Geuren & Kleuren Media proudly announces the launch of a new and groundbreaking podcast series, "In Afrika besta ik niet", produced for Omroep Zwart. This podcast explores the complex journey of Nanoah, the first non-binary Dutch person with an X in their passport, towards reconciliation between their Nigerian roots and queer identity.
Omroep Zwart, founded under the leadership of rapper Akwasi and film director Gianni Lieuw-A-Soe, is known for its commitment to inclusive programs that bring new voices and perspectives to the Dutch public broadcasting system. This collaboration with Geuren & Kleuren Media emphasizes that commitment, with "In Afrika besta ik niet" making an important contribution to the diversity landscape of the Dutch media.
This compelling series tells the personal story of Nanoah, who is confronted with the challenges of being queer within Nigerian culture. In response to the events surrounding the murder of George Floyd in 2020 and the growing attention for the Black Lives Matter movement, Nanoah feels the urgent need to find connection with their roots. However, the tension between being queer and being Nigerian seems insurmountable. In the podcast, Nanoah travels to Nigeria with their father and partner, where they talk to family and the local (underground) queer community.
The podcast will be released on November 27, 2023 and is a production of Geuren & Kleuren Media, a leading podcast producer that focuses on telling stories that help people and are of social importance.